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Business Innovation Conference & Awards 2022

"This is indeed a very delightful, Happy & Joyous moment for entire KTFL family"

We thank the panel for this BUSINESS INNOVATION AWARD in the category of Award for Excellence in manufacturing Practices, which is another milestone in our journey!

This is indeed an another feature in KTFL Crown, which is already shining with bunch of awards like JIPM, TPM & Others.

Our organisation is continuously thriving towards advanced manufacturing initiatives, innovations, Industry 4.0 which makes us shine apart from others.

We always believe in excellence through quality & customer service which has rendered us this success. It is in real sense a journey towards sustainable & continuously growing organisation.

I am also deeply moved with the award – “CEO of the Year”, which have added more responsibilities in terms of continuous growth of organization & Value creation for the same.

I think we have just started a green journey towards more sustainable growth in long-term, which will create an organization which is not only great place to work but a work place with very empathetic team.

I once heard someone I admired say that leadership is a gift from God, but I now believe it is a calling.

Lastly, I am expressing my gratitude towards Senior leadership & my team, by the support of whom this success story is created.